

Fall Mini Sessions .:. Ho Family .:. Bell’s Orchard


I know it’s officially fall once I have my annual family session with the Ho Family! We have done a fall session every year since I started photographing in Portland and it has been a blast watching these girls grow! This family knows the key to real family portraits is to not take your self too seriously, and that although a few ‘everyone-smiling-at-the-camera’ portraits are great to have at every session, letting loose, being goofy, and showing who your family truly is is important too. Another thing I love about this family? They love OWLS as much as I do {Note: Lauryn and Elsie’s owl shirts!} Last year they were both owls for Halloween and I was lucky enough to capture the amazing handmade costumes their mom made them! {See them  here!}

Enjoy Ho Family, See you next year! :)


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Meet the Ho Family!
Describe a perfect Saturday with your family: A hike or a bike ride followed by some gardening or a game night. 
What is your favorite {family friendly} restaurant? Dinosaur restaurant – ROAR! (aka. Laughing Planet)
Describe your favorite family tradition: Every year on the summer solstice we get ice cream, and on the winter solstice we have hot chocolate by a fire.
What is your favorite Children’s Book? Right now Issumboshi (the 1″ boy) gets the most requests, but Where the Sidewalk Ends is a close second and get a lot of laughs.
Where was your BEST family vacation? We had a great weekend in Seattle earlier this summer, but Hawaii is where we go when we really want to get away.
Share a favorite family recipe! We bake a LOT, but our holiday tradition is a peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate (often known as a buckeye) and this is something I made with my great grandmother and hope to be making with my grandkids some day.


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  • Stacey Ho

    You capture us perfectly every time. Can’t wait to see them all and try to narrow down what makes the walls and cards. Thanks again!