

Arboretum Mini Sessions .:. Shadbeh Family


I met this family a little over a month ago for little Henry’s newborn session, and we decided to get together for some outdoor family photos at my mini session event. This was my last session of the day, right as the sun was setting behind the trees of the arboretum, which left us with some gorgeous lighting, to capture their new family of FOUR! :)


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Meet the Shadbeh Family!


Introduce your family: Heidi teaches at the German American School of Portland and Abraham is a health inspector for Washington County. Oliver is almost two and Henry is brand new!
Describe a perfect Saturday with your family: A perfect Saturday is whenever we get to do something all together! We love going to the museums and zoo in Portland, playing in parks, going to the farmers’ markets, or just hanging out and playing at home.
What is your favorite {family friendly} restaurant? We hardly ever go out–let me know when you find one!
Describe your favorite family tradition: We are still working on building some. :)
What is your favorite Children’s Book? This is a really hard question since Heidi teaches elementary school and has way too many to list. Hers is Because of Winn-Dixie, although anything by Kate DiCamillo is a close second. Oliver loves Eric Carle, Llama Llama, and anything having to do with rockets, trains, trucks, and cars. Goodnight Moon and Goodnight Gorilla are family favorites as well.
Where was your BEST family vacation? Camping with grandma and grandpa!
Share a favorite family recipe! {feel free to share a link to a favorite recipe} We love Persian food but our Persian family doesn’t cook by recipe!


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  • Oliver Shadbeh

    This is oliver 10 years later!