

What Makes A Mom?




As a photographer I get to witness the amazing bond between mothers and their children on a daily basis and photographs capturing these special moments are always some of my favorites. I also get to see women transformed into mothers, seemingly overnight, between their maternity sessions and their newborn session. It is always fascinating to me to see the difference, before and after. Getting to know couples during their maternity sessions, full of excitement for their new baby, and although their round bellies do not let you forget for a second that these women are about to become mothers (sometimes any day now) they just seem younger, carefree, full of anticipation about what is to come. Fast forward a few days, or weeks, and these women are now moms and the difference is tangible. And of course it is, because their life is forever changed, they now have a new focus, not living just for themselves anymore but for another person. And so, for Mother’s Day this year, I decided to create a photo series that would focus on moms and their babies. Forgetting about locations and wardrobes, just simple black and white portraits highlighting the love of a mother and her children, 

and to find out from them, what makes you a mom? 



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amy-(2) amy-(3) amy-(1)

What was the first moment that you felt like a mom?


Just a few days after my I had come home with my first baby I remember sitting with her on the bed. I was just staring, ogling and taking inventory of this new little person. The thought struck me that she was still perfect. She had never had any physical injuries, no illness, no pain, no sadness, no grief, no disappointment. I thought about how she would eventually live to feel and experience all those things and it just crushed me. Wanting to protect her from all those things is when I first felt like a MOM.


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wendy-(1) wendy-(2) wendy-(3)

What was the first moment that you felt like a mom? 


I wish that I could say there was a special moment locked in my memory as the moment I felt motherhood take a hold of me, but I can’t. Feeling like “a Mom” has been something that has grown and grown each day my kids are alive. There was a tiny feeling of mom-ness when I got my first positive pregnancy test, and when I first heard my baby’s heartbeat, but as much as I wanted those moments to define me as a mom, they didn’t. For me, there have been a million little moments that add up together to make that label feel appropriate. When my baby gazes up at me while we are nursing; when my son tells me, “Mommy, I love you!”; when I am at home on a Friday night making dinners and giving baths and knowing there’s no where else in the world I’d rather be; when I willingly give up my last bite or sip to make my son smile; when my son’s falls down and only wants my hugs and kisses to make him whole again; watching my boys sleeping at night; planning activities that I know will make my son so happy; laying on the couch with a sick boy in my arms snuggling; all these moments and so many more have added up to make me a mom. And more and more each day I become more of who God created me to be, the mother to my very special and precious boys. I am honored, privileged and constant awe that the very special title, “Mom” belongs to me.


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tanna-(1) tanna-(2) tanna-(3)

What was the first moment that you felt like a mom? 


I felt like a mom from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Even that early on, everything you do and every decision you make revolves around your baby. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time, feeling baby move, and finally holding baby in your arms just make it that much more real each step of the way.


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Megan-(2) Megan-(3) Megan-(1)

What was the first moment that you felt like a mom? 


I loved both my children from the second I saw them for the first time, but “feeling like a mom” came during the more mundane, day-to-day tasks of caring for an infant. I realized that while I was exhausted and frequently covered in bodily fluids I honestly did not care – this amazing little person was depending on me and I would do anything to provide for them.


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What was the first moment that you felt like a mom?


I definitely had glimmers of that feeling while I was still pregnant.  But it was still mysterious and unknown.  Then when Cora was born and I learned that she had Down syndrome, my initials feelings were a confusing jumble of thoughts and emotions:  shock, fear, sadness, and worry, all mingled with my love for her.  It wasn’t until she was a day old that I think I truly began to feel like a Mom, when my Mama-bear instinct went into hyper-drive.  She gave us a scare that started a journey of medical issues and advocacy, learning and teaching, and a bond that has continued to grow.


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What was the first moment that you felt like a mom? 


There have been so many moments but a funny one I remember early on is saying “it’s ok I will just eat my dinner cold.” I’ve always needed my food HOT hot hot and it just didn’t matter anymore. My husband was shocked. 


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casey-(2) casey-(1) casey-(3)

What was the first moment that you felt like a mom?


I felt like a mom for the first time the moment I found out I was pregnant. At that moment I knew I had to put their needs ahead of mine.


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What was the first moment that you felt like a mom? 


When I first gazed into the open, alert eyes of my twins after they were born and saw them looking back at me, I really felt like a mother. For me, it was a tidal wave of simultaneous love, relief, joy, awe, and fear.


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What was the first moment that you felt like a mom?  


Joe’s first smile. Some may have dismissed it as gas; I knew it was the real thing.


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amelia-(1) amelia-(2) amelia-(3)

 What was the first moment that you felt like a mom?  


I can’t say that I’ve had one particular moment that made me feel like a mom, but more a series of moments since Avery was born. Beginning with the first time I held her, looked into her eyes, watched her as she slept, comforted her when she was upset. The immense feeling of love I have for her, and the overwhelming need to keep her happy and safe. There are the firsts that make me feel like a mom; first getting peed on, or thrown up on. Spit washing her face like my mom used to. Helping her take her first steps, and coaxing that first word out of her mouth…mama! And now hearing her say “mom” like a teenager, when she’s not even three yet. With each day I find new things that make me feel like a mom, but nothing makes me feel like a mom more than how much I love her.


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Happy Mother’s day to all these amazing moms! Thank you so much for participating in this project, welcoming me into your homes, and showing so much love for your children that it made it so easy for me to photograph each and every one of you. 



Please share this with the great moms in your lives AND join in and share your first “mom” moment in the comments below! 




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  • Emily

    What beautiful photos. Truly artistic, capturing so much beyond a moment of time; a moment of the heart. I loved reading everyone’s different defining moments as a mom. I vividly remember the first time Millie ever got hurt. She was an infant and I was carrying her. I walked out of her bedroom and hit her head by accident on the door. I felt so terrible. I was genuinely aspiring to give her a perfect life free of pain. It made me so sad until in a sleep deprived state of letting my mind wander it dawned on me. My comfort while she was in pain had more of a significant lasting impression on her than the pain. Love always wins. What a relief to be able to let perfectionism go and to live in the moment with an open heart. That’s all a good mom is. Happy Mother’s Day to all…